Reiki Treatments
Reiki Treatment 90 Minutes ($125)
Reiki is not about religion or believes. Reiki is a caring, loving, giving, spiritual method of compassion. The reiki energy flows through the hands of the practitioner and into the person, being treated, enhancing and accelerating the natural healing processes in the body. Reiki helps to restore balance and harmony and promotes the relaxing response.
Package of 3 Reiki Treatments ($300)
Reiki is not about religion or believes. Reiki is a caring, loving, giving, spiritual method of compassion. The reiki energy flows through the hands of the practitioner and into the person, being treated, enhancing and accelerating the natural healing processes in the body. Reiki helps to restore balance and harmony and promotes the relaxing response.
Reiki Treatment 120 Minutes ($160)
Reiki is not about religion or believes. Reiki is a caring, loving, giving, spiritual method of compassion. The reiki energy flows through the hands of the practitioner and into the person, being treated, enhancing and accelerating the natural healing processes in the body. Reiki helps to restore balance and harmony and promotes the relaxing response.
One Distance Reiki session 90 minutes ($145)
Distance Reiki sessions can also be done remotely with the Reiki Master sending the healing energies to the client at home, office or hospital.? It’s wonderful! It works!
Bertha will soon be teaching one by one or by a group of 4
More information... coming soon!
Love and peace,