About Bertha Frimmel

My Story
Bertha has been practicing Reiki since 1994, she started in New York with Reiki Master John Harvey Gray finished in New Hampshire in March 2000. My Master, John Harvey Gray was one of the original 22 Reiki Masters. He completed his entire Reiki training from Mrs. Hawayo Takata in 1976 and he was the longest-practicing and most experienced Reiki Master in the USA.
Bertha is glad to be able to share this incredible healing method that will bring peace, harmony, and love into to your life. She is here to share this wonderful Gift from the Universe with you. She reinforced my Reiki Mastery, with Reiki Master Lisa Powers incredible Reiki Master with great knowledge in a master class, in Sedona Arizona at the Infinite Light Healing Studies center. Bertha continues Reiki trainings to this day.
My Reiki Story
Reiki is not about religion or believes. Reiki is a caring, loving, giving, spiritual method of compassion. The reiki energy flows through the hands of the practitioner and into the person, being treated, enhancing and accelerating the natural healing processes in the body. Reiki helps to restore balance and harmony and promotes the relaxing response.
Reiki Certificates